
Dream, Believe, Inspire!

Dream, Believe, Inspire
Have you ever been called a Dreamer?  I remember my teachers in Grade School telling my parents that I do a lot of Daydreaming.  The caption under my High School Graduation picture was, "I once had a Dream that wasn't all a Dream".  Once when someone accused me of being a Dreamer, I said, "I make my Dreams come true."  So, Dream... Believe in your Dreams, make them come true and Inspire others as you continue to believe in your Dreams even when they don't seem possible.  In the words of the song originally sung by The Pipers... Dream, when you're feelin' blue.  Dream, that's the thing to do...Just watch the smoke rings rise in the air. You'll find your share of memories there.  So, dream when the day is through.  Dream, and they might come true.  Things never are as bad as they seem.  So, dream, dream, dream.  Things never are as bad as they seem.  So, dream, dream, dream.  

My favorite version of this is by Roy Orbison.  Give it a listen and Dream...

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