My Brief Health Survey
Eddie Villa Certified Life Coach, specializing in helping you to discover and utilize your unique Strengths
in the most effective, powerful way in every area of your life. 
dōTERRA  Wellness Advocate/Essential Oil Educator/Certified Specialist

Robin Anderson Gibbs

Master Yogi, with over 33 years of Business Experience, 

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Practitioner

I was struggling...

A couple of years ago, I was struggling.  I didn't feel like doing anything.  I saw myself as a failure and couldn't seem to shake it off.  I was happy in my marriage and Randy was wonderfully patient and supportive, as well as being respectful of my space to work through this, but I needed something more.  I had begun to tell close friends that I was struggling.

One day, I was reading a self-help book and came upon the phrase, "A Path to Healing".  It suddenly struck me that in saying I was struggling, I was creating more struggle for myself.

I determined to change that to, "I am on a path to healing!"  I decided it would be on my terms, only doing what I truly felt was right for me in any given moment.

Check out my Life Coaching/Mentoring Services...

Emotional Freedom

I decided to create a Self-designed Path to Healing and do it for 10 days and it dove-tailed perfectly with a 10-Day EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping Summit that I had signed up for.  I integrated the oils into everything I was doing and got profound, life-changing results.

Emotional Freedom with Essential Oils is attainable!

I began journaling...

I'm a writer and a blogger.  I have written my account of when we took in Chernobyl Children in the 90's and my trip to India in 2010 to celebrate the wedding of one of my graduates.  
So, I began journaling... writing down anything I had done throughout the day to help myself feel better.  I listed the oils and supplements I used, what I did that I enjoyed, how I shifted my thoughts, what Tapping Sessions I did, things friends said to me, epiphanies, etc.

I chose an Accountability Partner to share it with and discussed it with her once a week.  I am now turning my writings into a book.

Contact Me to sign up for my Newsletter, so you will be among the first to know when my book is published.

I began manifesting again...

One of the best things I have manifested in my life, is my husband, Randy, hence the Essential R&R (Robin & Randy) name for our business.  During this time, he gave me the space I needed to find myself again, all the while supporting me, loving me, lovingly suggesting various oils and supplements to use (he loves them as much as I do), cooking for me and just being a genuinely lovable guy.  To hear more of our story, check it out on the About Us tab.

During my Path to Healing, I began manifesting things in bizarre ways, that could only be termed as Godsends.  I'll tell you more about that in my book, but if you are ready to turn your life around and set the world on fire, join me in this incredible journey!

Check out my Services Page to decide where you would like to begin.

We're here for you...

We're Robin & Randy Gibbs. With so much information online about how to take care of our health, it can feel overwhelming to know what tools to use to make the biggest difference.  

Over our time using the most pure essential oils on the planet, we've found them to be incredibly powerful and helpful.  Check out our story!

Would you like to just try dōTERRA®?
I would love to get to know you so I can help you to figure out which oils would serve you best! 
By the way, I love to play cards!

Did I mention... I have a Free Gift for You!

Expand What's Possible

With pure essential oils, we can experience greater health and wellness than ever before... all while making a major positive difference in the world. 


Learn how to use dōTERRA essential oils to live well and feel better faster.


Share natural solutions with those you care about so they can live well also.


Join with us to share hope and make this world a better place together.

Be Part of Something Bigger

If you've been looking for more meaning and depth in your life, we're here to support you! We know you were born for big things. Join my team to receive inspiration and support to reach your goals and realize your dreams.

Get the Free Guide

If you're wondering, "What are essential oils? How can I use them to maintain my health?" be sure to download our free "Getting Started with Essential Oils" guide today!

FREE Money Mindset Journal 
Let's connect on Instagram  @robinandersongibbs